Reducing the Burden of 'Skip and Ship'

Oil & Gas


Muehlhlan Industrial Services


North Sea, UK


• Mechanical Separation
• Decanter
• Centrifuges

Top down rig osso


The end client — an FPSO operator — required on-board tanks to be cleaned prior to decommissioning.

As deck space was at a premium and the volume of fluid potentially high, the operator was interested at looking for an alternative solution to that of the traditional method of skipping and shipping.

It had also been identified that the current cleaning systems were not capable of treating the produced water and bringing it into consent to discharge parameters for oil in water content.

Bottles osso


By working closely with Muehlhan and aligning our people and equipment with their project management team, we helped to significantly reduce the cost and time required to decant to totes and ship back to shore for disposal.

Our team supplied and fully installed a decanter and disk stack centrifuge system on board and provided an onsite team to monitor and manage the system, ensuring we stayed ahead of the sail away deadline. By treating the waste at source and allowing the flushing process to run continuously we sped up the entire process while simultaneously reducing pressure on the deck crew, deck space, crane operations and shipping.

This process and method de-risked the project and removed any potential bottlenecks.

"The inclusion of the OSSO equipment and their proactive, experienced personnel aligned with the positive management of the Muehlhan team significantly reduced cost and time required to decant to totes and ship back onshore for disposal, allowing the CoP plan and sail away dates to be met."

— General Manager

Muehlhlan Industrial Services


There are numerous benefits to discharging at source, several of which were realised during this project. Overall approximately 8,000m³ of waste fluids and solids were treated and we successfully discharged around 79 % of this at source.

  • 79 % of waste liquid discharged at source with oil-in-waters below the legislative discharge consent of 30ppm
  • Delivered 7 days ahead of schedule
  • Reduced shipping, road haulage and disposal costs for waste movement
  • Reduced stress on POB and site resources
  • Reduced environmental risk and carbon footprint for the overall operation
  • Significant commercial savings gained


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